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Bartonella species infections can cause a range of diseases in humans and animals, from non-specific symptoms to serious diseases, affecting the neurovascular system, joints, heart and other organs. Research suggests that people who live and/or work with animals are at the highest risk of exposure.
A 2014 study published by researchers at Duke University and North Carolina State University found DNA from at least one Bartonella species in 28 percent of veterinary workers compared to none in the control group. The bacterium is spread by ticks, fleas and other insects, and by animal bites or scratches – all common in animal-care settings such as veterinary clinics, ranches and animal-boarding facilities.
The American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) described bartonellosis as a “zoonosis hidden in plain sight” because veterinary workers are a high risk population, but may be diagnosed with another disease and never be tested for Bartonella infection.
Galaxy Diagnostics offers a better approach to confirming Bartonella infection in animal health workers: the Bartonella Digital ePCR™ test platform.
Learn more about Bartonella species infections with our free medical education webinar and educational webpage From Cat Scratch Disease to Bartonellosis